Begging for It: Erotic Fantasies for Women

51vle-lgzdl-_sx331_bo1204203200_I’m super excited to announce that Begging for It: Erotic Fantasies for Women (edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel, published by Cleis Press), is out now.

This amazing collection of quality erotica contains 21 stories by variousย authors in the genre (including myself, teehee!). My contribution is called Rediscovery, and it’s about a wife who finds a little something naughty while tidying up, which ends up changing her perception ofย herself and her (not always perfect) marriage.

I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s super hot and has all the feels. I’m sure you guys will love it, so go buy the book and read it for yourself!

UPDATE 2019: This title was published before I rebranded myself as L. Moone, so you’ll see my story, Rediscovery, credited as my old pen name, “Hedonist Six”.

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