The Rebound List – Finished! (Psst, wanna see the cover?)

I know people have been waiting for this, and it’s way late, but I can finally (sort of) breathe a sigh of relief. The first draft of the final instalment of The Rebound List is now finished! Now it just needs a bit of an edit, some spit and polish, and I’ll be ready to send it out to early readers. Just as a reminder; If you’d like to beta read this book, please contact me on social media, by email, comment here, etc. Although The Rebound List was conceived as four short stories, fear not if you’ve not read the first three, because I’ll be handing out early copies of the entire novel edition. You won’t miss a thing! Anyway, before revealing the cover, further down below, a little reminder of what we’re talking about here…

The Rebound List – Coming out on 28th July 2014!

After nearly four years with Jeff, everything fell apart. I found myself single, scared, but somehow liberated as well. Rather than stumble into another ill advised relationship, my best friend Sally helped me find focus. I would spend the next few months “finding myself” sexually. That’s how The Rebound List was born.

My journey begins with the first item on my list – a virgin. But it’s not easy to go from squeaky-clean committed girlfriend to wanton sex goddess. Hopefully I’ll have the guts to follow through!

What (or whom) would you do to celebrate your freedom after your first serious relationship breaks down?

The Cover, at last!


Photo-manipulation by Graphic Artist Cindy Grundsten, typography by yours truly 😉

Let me know what you think? And again, if you’d like to help out by beta-reading, or would be happy to read an early review copy, please let me know 🙂

3 thoughts on “The Rebound List – Finished! (Psst, wanna see the cover?)

  1. I would love to be a beta reader. I am not perfect, but am an avid reader who gets a little upset when I read a story with very obvious errors every sentence or so. I think all books can be better by simply using volunteers to read their stories before final publishing. Any questions can be sent to me if you wish. Thank you very much for listening to my comments. I thought that Virgin was an excellently written book.

  2. By the way, I love the cover you have decided on. The young lady you picture on the cover does an excellent job of portraying the heroine in your series.

  3. Thanks for the kind words about Virgin and about the cover of The Rebound List 🙂 I don’t have anything ready for betareaders at the moment, but I’ll note down your details for later 😀

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